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Wildlife Gardening Services
Based in Hartburn, Stockton-on-Tees, Wildlife Gardening Services provides habitat-creation, wildlife-friendly gardening, biodiversity enhancement and wildlife area management services for both commercial and residential clients throughout Teesside and beyond
Habitat Creation
We like to offer landscaping and gardening services with a difference, creating luscious spaces that attract everything from birds to pond life.
Habitat creation and landscaping
We create gardens tailored to the individual, so wherever you live you can have a garden that attracts and helps to sustain all varieties of British wildlife.
Call us now and you could soon be playing host to hedgehogs, foxes, bumblebees and even badgers. We also specialise in the introduction of wildflowers and the creation of wildlife ponds, making your garden look and feel beautiful and helping the environment at the same time.
Wildlife Gardening Services also manages these areas where required, including for businesses. Residential and commercial customers alike will be happy to know that a wildflower meadow or smaller area requires only one cut per year!

Control Of Invasive Plants
Wildlife Gardening Services in Stockton-on-Tees specialises in the control of invasive plants such as Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed and Himalayan Balsam.
Jonny Gibson holds relevant pesticide qualifications and can undertake specialist control measures in relation to these invasive, and in the case of Giant Hogweed, dangerous - weeds.
A full management plan can be offered or one-off treatments can be undertaken depending on the client's needs.